Field Survey EDM

1. 19 Sqn Cyprus 1974 Ex Quantum Cpl Dale with MRA3 - Album 2. Borneo Tellurometer Courtesy Moon 3. Cpl Fox Using the Geodimeter 1977 - Album 4. EDM explanatory diagram Courtesy Dave Johnson
5. EDM Observing 6. Geodimeter Mk 8 7. MRA 3 Episkopi - Beale 8. MRA1 Trails
9. Tellurometer at Hermitage 10. Tellurometer Close Up 2 11. Tellurometer Close up 12. Tellurometer Early Mark
13. Tellurometer Jamaica with Perry 14. Tellurometer on OS Pillar 15. Tellurometer with Axten 16. Tellurometer. MRA2, at El Adem with P Smith Courtesy Smith P
17. West Freugh Task 1977 LCpl Thomas using MRA5 on Knock Fell - Album 18. Cyprus. Courtesy Ron Birch 19. Roger in Abu Dhabi with an EDM (He was with MAT Gulf). Courtesy Roger Jones 20. Kern E1 with DM503 EDM
21. MRA5 control panel 22. Reflector 23. Tellurometer MRA and Tripod 24. Tellurometer MRA
25. Tellurometer MRA5 with Chris Martin 26. Wild T2000 with D120 EDM 2 27. Wild T2000 with D120 EDM 28. MRA5 with Roger Witherington - Nolan